rachel a.'s review of Ace Motors

Ace Motors

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 1/7/2014
. 2
. 0
Do not Purchase from Ace Motors of Anaheim CA
Complaint Description: Purchased vehicle 5/24/13. Have spent $911.09 in repairs. Transmission died 12/9/13, Ace worked on transmission 9/12/13. Bought the 1999 Audi A4 on May 24, 2013. Had car inspected before purchase, from mechanic down the road. Had
car inspected at local oil change shop before taking a trip on June 25, 2013, topped off with oil. July 7, 2013 had to replace the spark plug wires for $387, out of state and stranded, also had oil change done. August 8, 2013 had issue and took it in had oil
changed again at local oil change shop. The shop said had broken left CV Axle, dark trans fluid with oil leakage pinion seal on rear diff leaking. transfer case output shaft leaking. August 14, 2013 took car to back Ace they agree to fix these issues for $260.
Got Car back September 12, 2013, they said they performed trans service, trans kit and replaced the CV axle. On October 10th the battery died, was $139 to replace and install. Had Oil change done at different local oil change shop November 11, 2013. Monday
December 9, 2013 Car would not drive properly, whining noise, cant recognize gear and smoke coming out. Had it towed to the most recent oil change shop, they said the transmission s bearings and pump were beyond repair. Less than 6 months, a total of $911.09
of repairs and oil changes. I paid cashier s check $5,621.25. They charged me for DMV taxes/ registration, which never made it to the DMV. I received a bill from DMV and had to pay twice for registration. Ace sent me a refund check for a lesser amount. I never
received the full refund from Ace. Service is nice and friendly when shopping and buying the vehicle. I received personal cellphone numbers and a smile. When the vehicle started giving me trouble and I returned to Ace Motors, I received cold shoulder, and
jokes about costs to repair. When the transmission died, I was told Everything happens for a reason. Tried to sell the vehicle back to Ace, they wont buy back, even with the repairs, that says a lot about the cars they sell.
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Hours   Phone   (714) 635-7300 Address   601 South Anaheim Boulevard
Anaheim, CA 92805-4702
Website   http://www.acemotorcenter.com Email  
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