Stacy C.'s review of Breathe Free Vitamins

Breathe Free Vitamins

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 5/2/2010
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Review 5/2/2010
I have nothing but praise for this company of wonderful people. Not only do their customer service reps respond quickly, but they are also always friendly and helpful. They are people who truly care about my health and put their customers above themselves. Every single one of my transactions with them has gone smoothly, but I have no doubt that if there was a problem, they would take care of it immediately. I am a huge fan of BreatheFree Multivitamin. I take the asthma vitamin every single day and I am truly grateful that someone has finally made a quality asthma vitamin product. Their staff is so knowledgeable about asthma. I asked them for some information and they were quick to respond and very helpful. My favorite part is that shipping is always fast and it's free with the plan that I'm on. The price is fair for what is in the asthma vitamin formula, but I wish that they sold BreatheFree Multivitamin in stores near me. When I asked them about it, they said that they typically talk to doctors about the product and have the doctors recommend the product to their patients. My doctor had never heard about it before, but when I showed him the formula he said it couldn't hurt. So, I've been on it for a few months now and the asthma vitamin formula really seems to be working out well for me. I just thought I'd leave this review for a great company that deserves 10 stars (unfortunately the max is 5). They have absolutely earned this glowing review! I would absolutely recommend buying BreatheFree Multivitamin if you have asthma. Not only does the formula make me feel healthier, but having wonderful and happy people run the company behind it is truly the cherry on top. If you're considering buying from this company, don't wait. Just do it! You'll be just as glad as I am that you did.
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