Wilson B.'s review of Connell Nissan

Connell Nissan

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 11/10/2010
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Review 11/10/2010

My goal WAS to purchase a Blue 2012 Nissan GTR and hopefully put a deposit down this evening.
This was a prearranged appointment after I stopped by 3 days prior and spoke with sales man Victor Williams extesively about the 90k+ car. He had just mentioned to me that VERY EVENING that he had just gone on a test drive with a gentleman who was considering owning the car.
Victor who was a pleasant salesman spoke with me about sport cars in general that night and why I was considering the Nissan GTR. I mentioned how I have had 3 prior Porsches and had recently sold a 911 turbo and was looking for something new to replace it.

I read and heard a great deal about how the GTR is a head to head performer with the Porsche turbo at a better value. I had requested a test drive with Victor for 3 days later (Sun Nov 7th). He then said great I'm looking forward to seeing you then and you will need to talk with Mark Ranauro. He will get you in it. "our GTR guy".

I called on Sun the 7th of Nov. at 4:25pm to let Victor know I was on my way there to test drive the car before I commit to anything.

To conclude: I met with Mark R. who proceeded to interview me like I was asking his daughter out.
The whole experience was utterly demeaning, degrading and insulting. Truly, the sad thing about this situation (for him) is that if he had just treated me like any prospective customer (with respect) he was going to receive a 10k deposit.

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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (714) 444-4220 Address   2850 Harbor Blvd
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Website   http://www.connellnissan.com Email   alan.vondra@connellonline.net
Contact   Alan Vondra Other  
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