Review 12/31/2010
The service is bad they have no contact phone number on there website. They will up and cancel you if a few games get lost. Note I was a member for about a year. Games from gamefly seems to go missing until I report it to them and the usps.______
And why they said they canceled my account was do to my mail route. Tho the mail lost 3 games but after that I told them I contacted the usps and made a report and after that no more games got lost tho they canceled me about a mouth later.______
And if you reopen your account that they canceled they will not put you gamefly game rewards level back to way it was.______
And if any one ever wants to rent games I'll tell them to go to blockbusters online the prices are better and less problems so is gamefly a good online game rental service I would have to say no they are still like they were a few years ago.______
So anyone reading this stay away from them.