Stephanie B.'s review of Mike Diamond Plumbing, Inc.

Mike Diamond Plumbing, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 9/28/2009
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Review 9/28/2009
On Friday 9/25/09 in the early afternoon I call Mike Diamond Plumbing for a total clean out on a home that I manage. I have a brand new tenant that the wife is 3 months pregnant and we have a clog in the kitchen area. Camron shows up around 3:50 pm and tells my client right off that the home needs to have a camera to locate the clog.I talk with him on the phone and told him this is a raised foundation and if he just uses the cleanout in the front part of the house which is less than 30 feet to the street it should take care of it. He says, "It's a law that he has to do a camera. I said hold that thought, I will be right there. I get my son on the phone while driving, who is in construction and he said, what!!! is he talking about. When I get there, Camron is saying basically that the plumbing is all trashed and needs to be redone. So, after 45 minutes with my son and Camron going back and forth. I told Camron to just leave. In the morning my son and I literally look at all the pipes under the house and they were in great condition and I call another plumber that I got from the Penny Saver and he cleared the line in about 10 minutes
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Culver City, CA 90232
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