Michael T.'s review of OnNet USA


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 5/2/2010
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. 0
Review 5/2/2010
OnNet USA, or GamesCampus is just another one of those small businesses. While their employees and management tries very hard to keep up with the work they are suppose to do. They are unaware of exactly what they need to do. Unfortunately because of this, despite their CEO being a 14 year veteran in this industry, OnNet USA is a very small company in all standards compared to the competition. Systems of success such as responsibility assumption are wasted on this company. Humble ability to recognize their own short comings only appears when it's more convenient to admit than ignore. With that out of the way, from my dealings with the "face of their company", the GameMasters (GM). I get the feeling that this entire company thinks they are achieving noticeable success. I can agree with this only in part. As there is no shortage of dissatisfaction among their player base. This is further amplified by the very small player base since each person is now worth a bigger percent. This may not seem apparent in game, since those that defend the eagerest are the ones that take a personal liking to the personnels of OnNet USA. What these defenders fails to do, is separate the relevant from the irrelevant. Personally, I like the GM's too, I think they are wonderful people with wonder personalities, but this does not make them competent in their professional skills. In conclusion, I will rate OnNet USA/GamesCampus two stars for the hard work they do. The reason I will give on two star is because in business, effort count, but only result matter. And frankly, this company's results leaves a lot more to be desired, especially when it's achievable by a shift in thinking model instead of the business model.
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Hours   Phone   (408) 456-0119 Address   2841 Junction Ave #106
San Jose, CA 95134
Website   http://www.gamescampus.com Email   david@gamescampus.com
Contact   David Chang Other  
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